Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) at WSU
The BSN degree is divided into lower and upper division coursework. WSU Army ROTC Nurse-Cadets must take first two years of lower division, or pre-nursing coursework, at the Pullman campus. WSU has located the upper division, or last two years of college, at the WSU College of Nursing (CON) in Spokane. Pre-nursing students apply for admission to the WSU CON to complete their BSN. The application process if very competitive with 750 to 1,000 applicants every year for 90 seats.
WSU Army ROTC 5-Year (3+2) Plan
The 3+2 plan stretches pre-nursing out to three years ,lightening the semester class loads. This enables Cadets to earn better grades, enjoy the college experience and maximize participation in ROTC. Nurse Cadets progress normally through Military Science 100, 200 and 300 level courses, preparing them for the summer camp after their third year. Nurse-Cadets meet all ROTC requirements prior to starting their BSN upper division coursework at the CON and are less encumbered from ROTC training. Nurse-Cadets will be better prepared to compete for admissions to the CON in Spokane, better prepared to take on leadership challenges in the Army, and better prepared for a career as a Nurse in the U.S. Army.
Prospective Nurse-Cadets with college credits
Many prospective Nurse-Cadets come to college with much of the pre-nursing coursework completed. We have multiple courses of action we can tailor fit to meet the needs of the Cadet. We cannot, however, work with nurse-cadets who have completed all pre-nursing requirements and entered the CON in Spokane directly. If you fit into this category please contact our program to discuss what opportunities are available.
Army ROTC scholarships provide: