WSU Cougar Head Logo Washington State University


Home of the Cougar Battalion!

Washington State University is the home of a Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program. For over 100 years, the Cougar Battalion has commissioned highly qualified students (Cadets) to serve as Army Lieutenants in every capacity. These Lieutenants voluntarily inherit the prestigious honor of defending the US Constitution and leading American Soldiers. You can try our program for the first two years without any commitment. Our cadets receive tremendous benefits once committed and ‘contracted’. Some choose the path towards active duty others choose to serve in the National Guard or Army Reserves. The Army has a wide array of benefits for everyone. Contact us today to discover your benefits and your path to commission as a Second Lieutenant and beyond. Contact WSU Army ROTC Recruiting Officer: or call 509-308-9676 for more information.

Message from Lieutenant Colonel Norland, Professor of Military Science

Welcome to the Cougar Battalion! As a premier commissioning program, we are excited that you have taken the time to begin the journey towards earning your commission in the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant. Your path towards becoming a leader in the world’s finest fighting force is one not to be taken lightly, but though it will be one of your greatest accomplishments in life, the goal is achievable and you will change as a leader throughout your time in the Cougar Battalion. Leadership and the path towards preparing to commission is not a solo event and is more of a marathon than a sprint, and leadership is a contact sport. As the senior leader of WSU’s Army ROTC program, I say contact sport because to assure you that our team of Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Cadre are here, in person to help you every step of the way. Your goal of becoming an officer is attainable if you remember 3 things, effort, attitude, and consistency. If you keep those items in mind, our team will help you with the rest of the details and your hard work will pay off as upon graduating and the golden bars of 2nd Lieutenant are pinned on your shoulders, it will be a feeling of pride unlike any you have every felt. You will then know without a doubt that you are then ready to lead in the best organization I have ever been a part of.

If at any time you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me personally or any person on our team. Our team has decades of combined experience and will always take time to answer your questions. If you are considering ROTC and do not know all of the options available to earn scholarships, still unsure of the multiple different paths towards commissioning, or have not yet visited us in person, please contact us today to ensure you are not missing opportunities you did not otherwise know about.

We look forward to serving you, watching your growth as a leader, and being there for you well beyond your years here in the Cougar Battalion!

Go Cougs!

Very Respectfully,

LTC Jeramy R. Norland